Free E-Books

This is intended to be an index of all Latter-day Saint books available on Project Gutenberg. As we produce blog posts offering a bit of explanation and commentary about a given work, they’ll be referenced here.

For help on how to use these books (including some software and hardware recommendations), see our How-Tos.

Available Texts by Author

Joseph Smith (1805-1844)

Parley P. Pratt (1807-1857)

Orson Pratt (1811-1881)

John Taylor (1808-1887)

Orson F. Whitney (1855-1931)

B. H. Roberts (1857-1933)

James E. Talmage (1862-1933)

John A Widtsoe (1872-1952)

Joseph Fielding Smith (1876-1972)

Nephi Anderson (1865-1923)

Faith-Promoting Series

  1. My First Mission by George Q. Cannon – related post(s)
  2. A String of Pearls
  3. Leaves from My Journal by Wilford Woodruff – related post(s)
  4. Gems for the Young Folk
  5. Jacob Hamblin by James A. Little
  6. Fragments of Experience
  7. President Heber C. Kimball’s Journal
  8. Early Scenes in Church History
  9. The Life of Nephi by George Q. Cannon
  10. Scraps of Biography by Various
  11. The Myth of the “Manuscript Found” by George Reynolds
  12. Labors in the Vineyard
  13. Eventful Narratives
  14. Helpful Visions
  15. Treasures in Heaven
  16. Precious Memories
  17. Gems of Reminiscence

Pioneer Journals, Biographies, & Autobiographies

Mormon Women


Other Topics & Authors

Other Sources

The Church makes e-books of current Church publications (conference, manuals, etc.) available here.

The Maxwell Institute offers WordCruncher, a study software that uses a proprietary e-book format and offers a variety of public domain content, including early Church periodicals and a few other things MTP hasn’t yet got up on Project Gutenberg. (They’ve kindly offered us access to their content and vice versa.) has PDF scans and OCR text of many early Mormon works; it’s the source of the scans used to produce most of MTP’s e-books.

10 thoughts on “Free E-Books

  1. Pingback: Tom Nysetvold on the Mormon Texts Project 2.0 | A Motley Vision

  2. Pingback: Year in Review: 44 E-Books Released Thanks to Volunteers, Donors | The Mormon Texts Project

  3. Pingback: Mormon Audiobooks Project — Ben Crowder

    1. tomnysetvold Post author

      Trouble there is that it is likely still under copyright (published in the fifties), so your cheapest option is probably a used single-volume copy on Amazon. But hold that thought for 30 years and maybe the copyright will expire, unless Congress extends copyright terms again!

  4. Pingback: State of MTP: General Update | The Mormon Texts Project

  5. Stuart Sampson

    Dear Tom,
    Thanks for this monumental effort to maintain and do this important work.
    At the top of the page you have “Latter-day” spelt with a capital D. It should be a common d.

  6. Pingback: Great Resources for learning about Doctrine – LDS Missionary Gear

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