Upcoming releases – Orson Pratt, Joseph Smith, and more

I’ve just submitted two more pamphlets to Project Gutenberg – Orson Pratt’s “Absurdities of Immaterialism” and “General Smith’s Views of the Powers and Policy of the Government of the United States” by Joseph Smith. With luck, the releases will go through smoothly and within a week or two, so keep an eye out for the release announcements. 

B. H. Roberts’ Mormon Doctrine of Deity (~300 pages) is about 20% done final proofreading; with luck it’ll be available within a month. History of the Prophet Joseph by His Mother (also ~300 pages) is 40% done first-pass proofing and will be the next major work we focus on after Mormon Doctrine of Deity. With luck it’ll be finished within a couple of months. We’ve also got clearance from Project Gutenberg to do the “Lectures on Faith,” so that’s third on the to-do list. We also expect to release some previously non-Project Gutenberg MTP books on Project Gutenberg in the near future.

Finally, the BYU history program is officially offering academic credit for our summer internship program, and they’ve started publicizing it. We’re optimistic that interns will help us release several major works on an aggressive schedule towards the end of the summer.